Colchester Metro Bank is hosting a complimentary event to discuss Burn Out at Work at its High Street store on Thursday June 29th from 6.30pm – 7.45pm. Guest speaker is Robert Muldoon who will be discussing mental health issues from his experience in the construction industry. Rob will not only discuss his own mental health journey, but also offer tips and tricks. Rob runs the success mental health podcast – MYH.
A bricklayer, Rob’s charity has had many conversations with people from the trades and construction world, with every conversation stating that mental health, burn-out, addiction and stress is getting worse, despite more help being available. As a mental health advocate, Rob will explore the reasons as to why burn out is on the increase and what can be done about it.
“Burnt out at work is a real issue and as a community bank we want to help highlight issues at work and the help that is available,” explains Neethyan Anandan local business manager at Colchester’s Metro Bank. “Everyone is welcome to come along to the event – especially anyone working in the construction industry to hear about Rob’s journey and the guidance he has to offer.”
Places are limited, to reserve a spot click here.
Metro Bank’s Colchester store can be found at 31-32 High Street, Colchester, CO1 1DB. The store is open Monday – Saturday: 8.30am - 6pm and Sunday: 11am - 5pm.