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Dogs With Jobs

3rd June 2021

Metro Bank recruits pawsome duo to help attract new customers

Colleagues from Metro Bank’s Newbury store were joined by two new recruits last week to help promote the Bank’s pet insurance launch.  The pawsome duo cocker spaniels - Holly and Annie – spent the day in store helping their fellow Metro Bank colleagues explain the Bank’s new pet insurance offering.

More than three million homes in the UK have got a new pet during the pandemic and Metro Bank – which has always welcomed dogs in store – has just teamed up with Everypaw to offer 5 Star Defaqto Rated pet insurance.

Annie, aged six, is Holly’s mum – Holly is still a pup at just ten months old. “Holly and Annie worked really hard as nearly everyone who came in store wanted to say hello, give them a cuddle and find out why they were there,” explains Metro Bank assistant store manager and Holly and Annie’s owner, Emily Simister.  “We have always been a dog friendly space – any dog is welcome to use our water bowls and we have special healthy treats and branded bandana for any four legged “customers.”

“Holly and Annie are often in store and we absolutely adore them,” explains assistant store manager, Heather Stark.They usually stay with us behind the teller line and they’ll sit on our laps between customers – we always think we’re very lucky to work for a company that allows them to be here, because they are so much fun and always lift our spirits.“

For more information about Metro Bank’s pet insurance visit here.

Metro Bank’s Newbury store can be found at 64 & 65 Northbrook Street, Newbury, RG14 1AE. The store is currently open Monday – Saturday 08:30am - 6pm. Sunday: 11am - 5pm.