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Metro Bank enters consumer Buy-to-Let market

13th June 2017

Metro Bank, the revolution in British banking, has announced that it will now be accepting Consumer Buy-To-Let (BTL) applications.

The new product will support those landlords where at least one of the applicants does not own any other BTL properties and where they or a close family relative has resided in the property since its purchase.

Charles Morley, Director Mortgage Distribution at Metro Bank said: “We’ve seen significant demand for this type of mortgage following the implementation of the European Mortgage Credit Directive and are pleased to now be able to offer the product to landlords up and down the country.

“Coming on the back of our announcement earlier this year on Portfolio BTL, today’s news demonstrates our ability to support an even wider range of customers and broker partners.”

Metro Bank is committed to offering the best in service and convenience to its customers. The bank underwrites mortgage applications on an individual basis to ensure that customers’ personal circumstances are taken into account. Brokers have the ability to submit applications through the bank’s online mortgage portal that pays proc fees and customers benefit from a single, dedicated underwriter. Metro Bank does not sell bank assurance or insurance, allowing it to focus entirely on fulfilling customers’ mortgage needs.