If you choose to close your account, we will offer you the option to receive up to 5 years’ worth of prior transaction history at the point of account closure. We retain your transaction history for at least 5 years after you closed your account, so you can also request up to 5 years’ worth of prior transaction history from the date of the request. To make a request, you can visit us in Store, speak to our Live Chat team via the Metro Bank mobile app or call us on 0345 08 08 508.
We will provide a printed version of your transaction history via post, normally within 7 working days. You can also download your transaction history via online banking before you close your account.
Accounts which have been closed due to fraud or other unlawful activity, impairment, bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation or which have had no activity in the past 5 years will not be eligible to receive transaction history.