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Interest Only Mortgage Range

This website is for FCA Authorised Intermediaries only.

Our Interest Only Mortgage Range gives your customers the flexibility to choose how they repay their mortgage.

Why choose Metro Bank?

  • The maximum age at the end of the mortgage term is now 80 for all repayment types
  • Debt consolidation
  • Considered for all acceptable income types including self-employed
  • Part & Part available up to 80% LTV when using sale of subject property - £250,000 minimum equity as a repayment strategy prior to utilising other repayment strategies/capital repayment to 80% LTV 
  • Maximum 85% LTV for Part & Part for all other repayment strategies 
  • Second homes up to 85% LTV, 80% Interest Only sale of property
  • Minimum usable income of £50,000 required 
  • We require evidence of a suitable repayment strategy at the time of application 

More information

Download our PDF to read when you like - it contains all the details of our Residential Mortgage products.