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Our opening hours and services

Please check the latest opening hours for each of our stores before you visit us.

Keep on top of any planned maintenance by checking the status of our services.


Pete Southall

Store Manager Merry Hill

Unparalleled service is what Metro Bank stores are all about. Your Store Manager is the one responsible for making it happen.

Rachel Fletcher

Local Director Merry Hill

We love getting involved in the local area. From community events to setting up business networking sessions, your Local Director is at the heart of what we do.

Ishy Dillon

Local Business Manager Merry Hill

Meet your personal point of contact for your business. They’re always on hand with ideas to help you move your business forward.

Store Mural

Merry Hill

Download our Merry Hill Store Mural

Give us a call

If you have an enquiry relating to any of our stores, products or services, please get in touch to speak to someone in our UK-based contact centre and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Get in touch